Monday, February 1, 2010

I'm alive.


Sorry, I'm a terrible blogger. I take too many pictures and I write about things in my journal and I forget that there are people wondering if I'm alive, so good news! I am. :) I'm still having a wonderful time. The semester is in full swing. Finally starting to get the hang of school, and a much slower way of life, but gathering a routine and enjoying the extra hours in the day that aren't available in Detroit. 
We went to Dublin last weekend for an overnight trip and got home Friday evening. When we got back to the house we went out to celebrate Simon's birthday at a Pub, "Monks" where they had traditional Irish music and a big warm fireplace.  We also went out as a bit of a "last hurrah" because Simon and Richard had to go back to London on Sunday morning. I'm sad they are gone, they were a wonderful addition to the house and actually made me feel much more at home here in Ballyvaughan. I think they're coming was a real gift because it allowed for my roommates and I to get to know each other better, as we were getting to know them too. I have lots of good memories and laughter to keep thanks to them. I feel lucky to have met them.

p.s. my roomate Maura, is keeping a blog and she's much better at it than I am. we are basically doing all of the same things so you can track hers too if you want! There's video on there of me and a farmer who let me photograph him. He was a personality, to say the least.

our awkward/dysfunctional family portrait

Top left to Right: Maura, Simon, Meghan, Kaetlyn
Bottom: Jess, Richard, Yours Truly

Simon and Richard making ultra-masculine "fairycakes" their last night with us after dinner. :(

at Greene's Pub, drinking some Guinness!

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