Monday, February 15, 2010


Thursdays have been pretty relaxed days since I've gotten here. School is completely different than what I am used to. We are expected to be at school, at least, from 9 until about 430 everyday working in our studio but my "studio time" is spent usually outside, looking for people to meet and photograph, or finding new places. My teachers find me during the day when they need to check in on what I've been working on, or have a brief critique and then I get back to work. We have brief lecture when new assignments are given, or we propose a new idea, and then periodic critiques. It has been very, very independent work, which at first was a bit intimidating, but has turned into a process of interesting development. So last Thursday I took a long walk towards the ocean, did some brainstorming, and headed back home to make dinner.  I have the same Photography teacher for 3 classes, another photo/video teacher for my Art in Context class. They are both interesting and showing them my work from home, and the work I've done since I got here has been quite an eye opening experience, to say the least.

This was where I went and had a great date with my sketchbook and journal.

And these are parts of my walk to and from there:

my reflection in the water!
I miss swimming so much. I'm giving it two more weeks, and then I'm going!
One of the grad students here teaches from London teaches surf lessons and told me we could go one Saturday- really excited about that.


horse I pass on the way to and from school everyday.

come visit!

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