Friday, January 22, 2010

Cliffs of Moher and Irish Dancing!

Last night after school we all went to an Irish Dancing class. They closed down a pub for us, and a man was there teaching everyone pretty basic dance steps. We were silly and pretty terrible but it was a really cute and fun night, we took the bus back to Ballyvaughan and stopped into one of the pubs closer to our housing. 
This morning we got up and went to school, and then the bus took us to the Cliffs of Mohr! They were so incredible and since the weather has been spotty lately we were lucky to be there on a completely sunny and clear day. Anyway, it was amazing and here are some pictures. This place becomes more magical everyday. 

Max, and some silly girls. 

girlfriends. :)
Brittany, Maura, Janine, 
Katie Lindsey, Steph
this is Brian.
we were mom and dad.
setting up tripods and running into family pictures on the cliffs.

a couple of my housemates/friends
Kaetlyn and Meghan
This is Ryan.
This is Eileen. we are all submitting art for the Cliff of Moher welcome center so we all were working
 on things while we were there. Kind of awesome.



obnoxious Americans

We went to the  cliffs/ocean  near Fanore, on the busride back. It was ridiculously beautiful. I can't think of a better ending to a day. 
Mike, representing Maine.

Steph was on the phone? ridiculous.

happy times.


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