Monday, February 15, 2010

favorite weekend!

This weekend was my favorite weekend in Ireland so far. We didn't go anywhere, we were around Ballyvaughan all weekend, but there was traditional Irish music festival here, so musicians came from different parts of Ireland and filled each of the five Pubs in town with music and people. It was the most activity I've seen in Ballyvaughan since I got here. The hotel that has been closed (because it's not "tourist season") opened for people coming to Ballyvaughan and it was just nice seeing more people around because it's usually very quiet in town. The music was absolutely incredible and gave me some great ideas to put in a safe place for my wedding. We will be flying all of these dirty old men to Michigan, or you all will be flying out here, but one way or another, they are going to play at my wedding!

 Friday after Irish Studies, I watched "the Field" which was a movie filmed here probably about 20 years ago in one of the Pubs we went to during another one of our first Irish Studies trips. It was kind of a wierd movie, and I fell asleep, but after that we made some soda bread and ate it, and headed out to the Pubs to listen to music. I took my camera, and stayed for a few hours and then walked back to our house with Lindsey and Brittany to make some flapjacks and watch a show that we make fun of.

Saturday, there was a "Mardi Gras" party in the next town, Kinvara, so after going for a long walk with Jess, I changed and got ready and went to that. We were all under the impression it was going to be a younger crowd, but we had no idea how young. It ended up being a really quiet town that was basically having a party at their Community Center? I lost my voice from laughing so hard and it might have been the best 10 Euro I'll spend here. Everyone was dressed as cowboys? I danced all night with an 11 year old boy in a fancy suit who eventually ended up having a dance off, (and losing) with a kid from Burren College, Ryan. It was just a mess of a night that ended up being one of my favorite nights here. 

Sunday, I went to church and walked back to our house, ate some breakfast, and nervously agreed to climb the mountain with Max and Brian. It was SO amazing. It was such a good work out and so beautiful. My bedroom window looks out at the mountain so now I have even more appreciation for it when I see it in the morning! After coming down the mountain I got home and my roommate Katelyn had perfected her family's Soda Break recipe, so I ate that, jumped in the shower and went back out to the pub for more Trad Music. Such a great weekend! Unforgettable memories and some of the best laughs I've had.

 mayhem at my house before the Mardi Gras!

Valentine's Day brownies! 
perfect end to a ridiculous weekend.
Lindsey is so goofy. I love her.

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