Monday, February 15, 2010

The Burren College of Art

Here are some pictures inside my studio, and some of the studios of my friends.  Everyone gets their own studio and that's where most people spend a lot of their time. I'm not in mine quite as much because I'm usually out taking pictures or editing them in the lab, but it is nice to have my own space and empty walls to hang things on to work out some ideas. 

Brad in his studio. I'm obsessed with his talent.

This is my friend Nick in his studio. He deals with my madness during the day
when I get stir crazy and silly.  We are buddies.

This is my housemate Jess. This is her in her studio before we walked home.

Maura wanted pictures of me in my studio, so here I am in my studio, being silly.

These just pictures of some things on my walls in my studio at school, trying to work out some ideas for my Art in Context class and I've been really excited about what I've been coming up with. This class is a semester long study of whatever I want, using any medium I want, I'm working with video and photos for now, but thinking about adding some installation work to it also. The class is heavily based around research and concept, and I think it's doing good things for me.

-------------a letter from Michael Monk, a postcard, a picture of all of us on our first day here, the sign for the potluck we had at our house, and 2 emails from teachers in Detroit.

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