Monday, February 15, 2010

Climbing the Mountain Outside My Window

this is a horrible picture but I love it.
self-timers are difficult to use when running 
up and down the side of a cliff.

I've been wanting to Climb the mountain since I got here! Pretty much everyone has climbed the one behind our school (the one behind us in the pic above), so Max, Brian, and I climbed one on the other side of Ballyvaughan, which happens to be the same one that I see outside my bedroom window when I wake up in the morning. Max and Brian were brave enough to bring me along even though they have seen my level of grace when we are hiking around during Irish Studies! (eeek)  I've never really hiked up anything like that before, we went up the cliff part rather than the hill part and it was exciting, a little scary, a good workout, and absolutely beautiful way to spend a Sunday afternoon. I want to do it everyday.

max and brian. on our way to the mountain!


about half way up be found a place to rest/snack for a minute.

top! This picture looks a bit anti-climactic, but it was awesome.

road at the top, with more cows.

         this weird hole was at the top too

weaving between a wall about to collapse 
and an electrical fence.
max & brian taking pictures and waiting for disaster.


Ballyvaughan, looking even  smaller than it usually does

heading back down

Brian's Pictures: 

walking back to town in the rain :)

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