Monday, February 15, 2010

Irish Studies

Irish Studies is my Friday Class. We have a short lecture in the morning from 930 until around 11 ish, and then we take off on the Bus to hike around different parts of The Burren. Every week is a new topic and our teacher, Gordon, is really nice and really passionate about Ireland and all of the beautiful and very individual things the region of Ireland that we are in has to offer. You can tell he really loves teaching and letting us explore. The class is a refreshing end to the school week and a nice start to the weekend. So here are some pictures. We went to the location of an extremely old school (i know that's vague, but I'm bad with specifics), then we hiked up a large cliff, for a reason I can't remember, though it was one of my favorite places we've been so far and I want to get a bike and go back, and then we went to a fairy fort.


Gordon, imparting wisdom.
     Lindsey and her dad. 



everyone listening to Gordon's stories!

Lindsey's dad came to visit, and they were adorable, and he 
came on our Irish Studies trip with us!

Gordon was reading us folktales from the school 
that was where we were sitting a long long long time ago.
Folkstories are a huge part of the culture here. 
One of the rules of the rulebook he was reading allowed wives the opportunity
on February 1  of every year to decide if they still liked their husband or not, 
and if they didn't it was no biggie, and the husband had to go. 

What I was doing while Gordon was reading.
This grass was so pretty, and soft.

they are really cute friends- Eileen and Lindsay.
Lindsay will be dreading my hair before I go back to MI. :)

Steph, lookin' creeped out.

I like to force the roommate pictures. :)

   maura happy!

on our way up!

Me and Maura- lookin kinda bad. :)
that grass was so comfortable, I never wanted to leave.

this cliff was a bit of  hike to get up but so worth it. 
we were higher than it looks here.

Maura kind of helps give a sense of scale.
she was flirting with disaster.

suzanne was snapping some pictures of me
for her beginning photo project.

i was laying down and looking at clouds while she 
was working, so nice.


Fairy Fort!

Brian, looking delicate. 

This is Jill. She is really pretty, and really awesome
because she fell on the mountain and got a cut so deep that you could see her bone, 
which means she will leave Ireland with an awesome scar, and I am jealous.

more feet, i love feet.

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