Tuesday, February 2, 2010

sigh no more, no more- One foot in sea, one on shore- beauty as it was made to be. be more of the man you were made to be.

The Burren Way is a trail that runs sort of up the mountain and down behind the houses through the forest, and behind our school. It's really beautiful and becoming more beautiful as Spring makes it way into Ireland fully. Yesterday is considered the first day of spring in Ireland (Feb 1). Every morning, a sassy man named Robert comes to our house at 9 and he drives us home at 5. If you want a ride you need to be ready at this time. Most mornings I'm awake but lately I've been loving the walk to and from school. It's about a 40 minute walk, a little ways up the mountain by road, and probably 30 minutes if you take the "Burren Way". You find landmarks in the trail of the Burren way by spray painted rocks and just kind of finding the trail in the grass where other people have walked. So anyway, these pictures are from my walk home one day. It started out with a close encounter with all of these cows! I've never been so close to cows, they are huge and very funny animals. And when one poops, they all poop! Anyway, I love the walk to and from school. So, this is the "Burren Way". 

laughing at the cows with Lindsey

they moved for me, and then all started pooping, everywhere


sunset coming

little house, lots of land- love that


my only source of direction on the trail
little white flags help too

this is where the Burren Way spits me out, at the pier, to go home

BUT....i went to the ocean instead. There's a fishing Pier, and the water was so still and the sun was setting. 


these little boats are everywhere- there's one in the front of our house that may or may not have been climbed into, during a couple walks home from the pub...

...and i may or may not have given my Diamond Jack's narration. 

"welcome aboard the Diamond Jack and to the City of Detroit for a tour of the lower Detroit River, I'm your tour guide Katie, and I'll be showing you some sites along the way!"(so on and so forth.)                                           - give the people what they want.

quiet walk through town...

entrance to road our house is on...

home! this is the front of our house, its at the end of a long road. 
this is the end.

this is the back of our house, i waited here for a while because i was locked out
-or i thought I was
Simon and Richard came home and pointed out the key in the most obvious place it possibly 
could have been.
 ah, i miss them!

1 comment:

  1. I guess you scared the "poop" out of those cows!! Ha ha.

    Great pictures and a lovely story. Thanks for keeping up the blog Katie. Good for you!
