Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 2.

Man playing the banjo, in Ellis, Ireland - he was very into it, I liked it too. 

His music was pretty too. I liked it better than the other guy's but I didn't stay long because 
I was making him uncomfortable with my camera/good looks. 

This looks like a painting or heavy photoshop, but it's not. It's just really pretty here and hazy because of the fog. 

This was on our way to the grocery shop (about an hour away)
This is what the land looks like closer to where I live. Lots and Lots of 
open land with cows and goats. 

This was my first meal here, and my first Pub experience- vegetable soup and some 
really good bread. The bartender was friendly and he gave me a chocolate
 after I paid. That was nice. 

Today we went grocery shopping. It took us about an hour to get there, we went to a town called Ennis, next to Shannon. It was overwhelming and fun. I wasn't sure if there was a certain traffic to the grocery store, but I seemed to always be going against it, and my shopping cart was in everyones way. Then we got back on our bus from school and drove a little further to a type of "downtown" which was fun. I tried to find a cell phone but they are expensive and I don't think I"ll use it that much so I'm going to just wait and find a cheap one.
It is snowy here which apparently is very out of the norm for Ireland and people are freaking out. My flight from Dublin to Shannon arrived 2 hours late because they had to de-ice the runways in Ireland and didn't know how? haha! I was worried my school group would leave with out me but they were waiting on other people so it was fine. Our house is called Murray's house and is in the middle of nowhere but I have a really beautiful view outside my bedroom window that I keep meaning to take a picture of during the day, but just haven't had a second. Everything is frosted over, not so much snow, but frost, and everything underneath the frost is green, which is cool. These pictures are just a couple I grabbed today en route to the Grocery Store and while we were shopping around and I was looking for stamps.
Also, my voltage converter just exploded in my room. It was annoying, but funny. I smelled soemthing funky and assumed my roomates were cooking dinner, until I heard a pop and saw smoke coming from the outlet. Guess my hair's going to be looking large until I find another one somewhere.
Oh, and today, I was at a Euro type Dollar store buying candles for my freezing/plain room and accidentally gave the man who was teasing me a lot an american dollar (coin) and he responded with laughter (towards me) (not with me), and saying "You don't know anything."  My roommate Maura and I, enjoyed that.

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