Friday, January 15, 2010

Got behind, but things/people from the last few days

These are pictures from the past couple of days. Lots of adventure! We started school this week, no real classes but just sort of a week of orientation. I took pictures around school, I'll show them another time. It's very beautiful and homey. 

Went to my first mass here in Ballyvaughan, Last night (Thursday) and it was very nice. Made me feel more at home here and I'm excited to see what it's like on Sundays. This Sunday I'll be going to the Cathedral in Galway which I've heard is really beautiful. 

Most of the abroad kids and I are taking a class called Irish Studies, where we'll be traveling/hiking around Ireland and learning about all of the different things that make it such a magical place. Anyway, here are some of my favorites from the past couple of days.

more vegetable soup and brown bread (delicious)

family playing in the snow, cuteness.

Irish Studies

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