Sunday, January 10, 2010

I fell on the cliff today, but not off it. :)

Today we did a lot of hiking/busing around The Burren. It was very very cold and windy. It snowed again. People are freaking out because of the snow. There's probably not even an inch and it is on the news here and in newspapers. It's quite entertaining. All of the U.S. exchange students find it hilarious, myself included. Anyway, there are 28 undergrad students most of which are exchange students from all over the United States. They are all fun and a nice mix of different kinds of people so I decided rather than showing more landscape, I would take portraits of some of the people I'm going to be around a lot. When we were driving around today I was secretly wishing my CCS friends were here to photograph with me!! - but, today was really beautiful regardless. We hiked up a cliff, at the top of the ocean, and all of these rocks were laying there the ocean had thrown! ( i fell climbing up, I have a war wound on my leg that I'm proud of and keep showing to people, I don't think they care- I wouldn't ) A kid I met here, Bryan, gave me a really awesome seashell that we found, and helped me hike back to the bus, I was struggling and lacking coordination. The last stop of our outing was going to the beach while it was snowing, which was odd, but so beautiful. The kid with the pink pants in my picture took his clothes off and jumped in- I went with him.

Just kidding. :D

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