Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Went to Galway On Saturday morning and shopped for the day, and did a 1 1/2 hour walking tour. We got to learn some very interesting and gruesome history of the place.  A group of Six of us Girls got a Hostel there for the night and went out to a couple Pubs in Galway that were really fun. Lots of traditional Irish Music and Good times. We met up with the rest of our group later in the night and went out to one more pub, and then shopped and Grocery Shopped Sunday before the bus came to pick us up. I found some friends that wanted to go to church with me on Sunday morning and we were lucky enough to catch a mass at the Galway Cathedral which was so incredibly beautiful. It was hard to take pictures because it was pretty dark in there but the pictures above are from there. The mass was celebrated a little bit different than what I'm used to. We all gathered around the altar and kneeled for communion, there was no wine, and no exchanging peace. I thought that was odd but interesting. Lit a candle for my all of my family and extended family wishing they were there with me for Sunday Mass but it was a beautiful and exhausting day. Galway was pretty chaotic and I was ready to get back to the quiet of Ballyvaughan which was a nice surprise because I thought coming to such a quiet and remote place was going to be a huge adjustment, but it has been surprisingly easy. When I was walking back to our house two boys stopped and asked me if I needed help carrying my groceries and I found out that they had moved into my house and are staying with us for a couple of weeks doing an Graduate Exchange Program from England. There names are Simon and  Richard and they are very nice and very funny. I'm excited to have another flavor being added to our house of all girls. They had pasta ready when I got out of the shower and we had a great night of chatting and getting to no each other. I'm excited they are here. And!- they fixed our oven- we were having troubles operating it. 


  1. Katie...we love you. Your blogs are so great, feel like you are here telling us. I'm so glad you are having a good time. Glad you made it to Mass too!!! The pictures, lovey, are absolutley beautiful. I love the window with the lace curtain. So proud!!!!


  2. Katie

    Looks beautiful. And how nice that the boys carried your things and made you dinner. Is your blog your way of telling mom and dad you're leaving with boys? ha. good luck with that one. I miss you!!
