Thursday, January 21, 2010

this morning.

Last night's sunset

This is our house. It's called Marie's house. It's really pretty and becoming more homey everyday. We live at the end of a very long dirt road there are a couple street lights further down but for the most part it's very dark at night which means, if it's not cloudy, the stars are very bright and beautiful.  Last night when we were all making dinner, I noticed the sky was such an odd blue and so I took a picture off of our back porch. This morning I got up and took some pictures of the house, and Simon and Richard showed me how to make "flapjacks" which in the States are the same as a granola bar, and they are delicious and easy. The weather today is a bit wet and very very windy but I need to work off some of this breakfast so I think I'm going to go out for a walk, maybe to school. Have a great day. Love you all. 

Making flapjacks!

Living Room

My bedroom:


  1. I don't mean to gush but I just love you. Oh...and I think my picture fell off your wall. Look under the bed Sweety :)xo Auntie

  2. <3 Love you too! :) your picture I carry with me Aunt Kathy! You surpassed wall space a long time ago!
