Saturday, March 20, 2010

middle of nowhere!

This is a picture I found on Google Earth of our house. Literally in the middle of nowhere! 
 The field on the left is usually a cowfield but cutting across it on the way to school cuts about 20 minutes out of the walk so we usually do it. So pretty! Directly behind us, (towards the bottom of the picture) is where the mountain is that I climbed with Max and Brian. The rode in front of our house leads directly to the street in "town" and is a really pretty walk home at night underneath all of the stars. I am happier than ever with the house I was put in and with people I was given to live with. We all get along really well and take care and look out for each other. I am going to miss the girls a lot when we leave- we are all actively avoiding thinking about it! :) Ignorance is bliss!


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