Sunday, March 14, 2010

Lots of thingssssss.

beautiful Jill. 

Alex found a really pretty flower
while we were waiting to LEAVE
this gallery. 
Mike in his awesome shirt.

Katie               Lindsey                     Brittany
before set dancing. these are two of my 
really close friends here. 
we're a little bit obnoxious when we're

This weekend was another great one. Started basically on Wednesday night with my first night back out set dancing since I hurt my foot. There were a group of like 15 boys from Alabama studying our school last week so they came set dancing too and it was a really fun night. We took a short class and then went to this barn next to the pub where our class was and danced the night away! It was fun because there was an Irish band and we got to dance with locals that actually know what they were doing!

Thursday night I went over to the cottages by the ocean that people can rent because Jess' (one of my housemates) mom is in town with some of her friends and they are staying there.  We drank some beer and played cards next to a huge fire.

Friday we didn't have our usual Irish Studies class because our teacher couldn't make it so we all took the bus  back to the Cliffs of Moher to look at our artwork that is hanging in their welcome center. It all looked alright. I submitted a photograph of an old man playing the tin whistle on the cliffs. He was there Friday when we went back. I looked for him when we were leaving so I could tell him his picture was hanging inside, but he was gone and I had to go meet our bus. When we got we all headed to Monk's to listen to the Irish Music that is there every Friday night. I LOVE Monk's Pub. 

Saturday we were all up early for a day trip to Limerick. We went to several galleries to see some artwork and we were given a couple hours to do whatever we wanted. I went to a pub for Lunch with Brad and Lindsey and then we got some shopping done because we haven't been able to go shopping in a while. 

these pictures are from one of the galleries. Everyone was distracted Saturday, and no one was in the mood to take the art we were looking at seriously. Me & Lindsey decided this looked like a huge diaper for siamese twins.

people were trying to look at this seriously.
we were in the way.

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