Sunday, March 7, 2010

Fox Hunt and Collecting Freckles at the Beach

Bishop's Quarter Beach! 
          about 20 minute walk from my house

I haven't put anything up in a while (sorry). Time is flying much too quickly. Last week I had my midterm review where I had to show the faculty everything I am working on, and have done in Ireland thus far. It went really well. I'm excited to keep going with everything and maybe even build on it more before the semester ends. I really love my photography teacher Martina, and my other photo teacher Tom. It's nice to have people looking at things from an outside perspective than people in Detroit. 
I've become buddies with a woman that has multiple job titles at my college. Her name is Deborah, and I think we share the same soul. We are both a little out there, and I feel like I've met myself in 20 years when I am with her. She took me to get some new hiking boots that will support my feet better on Thursday and they are already feeling much better. She also had me go around Clare with her Last Wednesday knocking on doors to invite people to this photography exhibition she was curating. I got to meet a lot of people I never would have met otherwise, all of which were absolutely lovely. One old couple invited me into their adorable  home that is buried in the forest past my school and told me about where the name "Moore" comes from and invited me back to photograph them. I can't wait. The woman was old and sassy, and wouldn't let her adorable husband get a word in. 
My friend Nick from CCS in Detroit visited from Paris for a couple of days too. He is doing study abroad in Paris until July. It was nice to see him and show him around Ballyvaughan and have him meet all of my wonderful friends here. We went to the Pub a couple nights, watched some Dawson's Creek, went for some walks, and took a trip to the outskirts of Galway to find me some shoes for my pathetic ankles. Anyway, it was fun. 
Yesterday, Sunday, they had a Fox Hunt in Ballyvaughan where over 100 horsemen and women went on a day hunt with hound dogs all around Ballyvaughan. Here are some shots. It was adorable. 

is this man serious with how good looking he is?
prince charming anyone?

traffic was backed up around the mountain

people parked in the mountains, 
next to the ocean, to watch the horses go by


  1. Grandma Margaret always used to tell us freckles were angel kisses. No wonder you have so many :) I miss you!

  2. i know! ive been telling all my friends here that. i bet a bunch are from her. :)

  3. umm i'm gonna make a blog for the week i'm there what do you think?
