Sunday, March 28, 2010

Lady Gregory

This spot was the location of where Lady Gregory 
lived. Her house isn't there anymore but we had so much fun running around the forest behind where her house would have been. We found a spot at a turlough where Gordan read more poetry and we played near the water. This was my favorite day of Irish Studies by far. 

so happy! 

this forest was one of the beautiful places
I've ever been. 

everyone was so happy because our day was SO pretty

we were all running around and so happy to be where we were

so adorable.

awesome tree.

I love this tree!

Lindsay :)

another cute family unit.

all those little green leaves are garlic leaves!
this whole field smelled really strongly of garlic!

This little boy told me that "whom ever ripped the
branch off the bush deserves to be punished!!"

         boys playing. 

brad found a child's scarf. 

movie of Gordon reading poems to us and Bryan being obnoxious.

Eileen bein' cute.

ryan skipping on rocks. 

Mike, flying!

Lindsey and Suzanne


Movie of me and Brad Skipping Rocks and Max & John Commentating.

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