Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Sunrise Mass.

Click then read! This was my morning!
-song played at mass today on the beach!


Dawn Mass, Easter Sunday, Fanore Ireland

         Fr. Des!

A Walk After Mass...

Brit & her mama

The birds flew in front on my camera on their own, 
Mr. Myler didn't have to chase them like last year in S. Carolina! (ha!)


Adorable people that gave us chocolate and tea and fire warmth!

...and then this Incredible rainbow happened!!

Goodmorning! It's about 9 am and I've just gotten back to our house. I woke up at 5:30 this morning and Brittany and her mom came to pick me up because I found out there was a Dawn Mass at Fanore Beach for Easter Sunday so we decided last night we would go. 
We drove through the mountains in the dark, and pulled into the Fanore car park to find TONS of cars! We were surprised! We thought it was going to be, just a few people but there was a big crowd and we heard a tin whistle coming from the beach and saw a big warm bonfire. 
My man, Fr. Des, said the mass beautifully while the sun began to make it's way up to the top of the mountain. Then "you raise me up" was sung. COULD THIS PLACE BE CUTER!?
THEN, after mass. me and Brittany and her mom went for a quick walk on Fanore Beach because the colors were so beautiful. As we were coming back off the beach Fr. Des called us over to eat some chocolate with him & a couple other adorable people. He then asked me (again) about my love life and if I had found myself a lad yet. He then pointed out the way I was dressed- (all bundled because it was FREEZING) and he told me that, "perhaps I need to market myself better"...and gestured an unzipping of my jacket! He sounds like a creep, I'm sure, but he's completely harmless and does this even to the old women here. Then he told Brittany's mom that she could probably find a lad quicker than us and remarked, "the older the whistle the sweeter the tune". As this was all happening a HUGE rainbow came over us from one side of the ocean to the other! A complete rainbow! and then a DOUBLE rainbow formed. One rainbow on top of the other one. Ireland is pulling out all the stops this Easter! What an incredible Morning!!!!!!!!

Later today I am going to a "point to point" horse race because I've been told there are great photo opportunities. Yesterday, Holy Saturday, there were car races all over the mountain on crazy, curved roads. These people are nuts. 
Well, my flapjacks are burning so I have to run but
HAPPY EASTER! Loving and missing you all- wish you could have been there this morning so here are some pictures so we can pretend like you were! <3

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