Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Burren College of Art End of the Year Exhibition

My Studio: 

I showed one of my series of portraits I've been continuously working on throughout the semester. It's been a study of photography and people reactions to me as a person and a photographer. I can't stress enough how much my world has been turned upside down here  in the Burren in regards to photography. 

I also played a video I've been working on doing a bit of a study of personal photographs and snapshots. It's a video documentary of people talking about their favorite personal photos and attaching stories. It's really lovely. 

Other People's Things: 

Suzanne Calkin's Painting of Me!
More of Suzanne Calkins

Jill Fitzmaurice

Kaetlyn McCaferty

Mike Vance & Nick Jackson
Mike Vance & Nick Jackson
Seth Stockdale-Wooley
Stephanie Richardson
Jill Fitzmaurice
Lindsey Sawtell
Lindsey Sawtell
Lindsey Sawtell

Jill Fitzmaurice.

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