Sunday, April 25, 2010

Last Day in Ballyvaughan.

Today is the last day I can call Ballyvaughan my home. I woke up and went to church, then to the craft fare in town where I met a really nice American woman to has lived in the Burren for the last 10 years with her husband and encouraged me to follow in her footsteps when she saw how much I love it here. I met Deborah there. Deborah came from her house riding a bike while holding onto another bike she brought for me so I wouldn't have to walk back to her house?! This is why I love her. She rode...2 bikes into town basically. Anyway, we went to her house and had lunch, and her granddaughter came over, so I took some pictures of the two of them and walked to the Bird Hide to mope for  a bit. Another beautiful day, just a bit sad!

Deborah having more fun than her granddaughter. haha!


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